Monday, February 09, 2009

economic stimulus? more like smecoshnomic shmimulush

PYROglyphics does not support the actions of Chris Brown, and says to him "not cool bra, not cool at all."

In other news, today is Africa day on the blog! WOOOOOOO.

First up is a group that is sort of a New Pornographers (supergroup) meets The Mars Volta (psych) that happened in Zambia instead of Canada or El Paso. Instead of taking a song that sounds at all like another song by the band, I chose this one that just begs you to enjoy a beer, or sweet tea, or green tea, or a cigar even. (I'm not sure of who I got this from, or where even, but thank you)

and another....

Next up is an act I will admit I know nothing about, Franco et le T.P.O.K. Jazz. This is a track that is on the one hand a BEAST at 9 and a half minutes, but on the other, dynamic and wildly inventive.

Finally, this is a track given to me by Will Bryant. It's short, intricate, and probably not in english. I think this is a song that is made by soft bongos and an everpresent, yet delicate bassline. Just listen to how they let what they are doing speak for itself, no musical ego, no oddly biased mixing, really odd to hear with american ears.

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